Sunday, May 18, 2008

My Weekend "Haul"/Blast

Yes, Yes...My weekend was a major "haul" I hate that word.
but in this case..I actually have the right to use it, lol. :P jk.
This weekend was a blast! Minus the semi-drama we had. but past that
it was amazing ♥ let's recap.

My Mom was off of work, So my brother, Mom, and I went out! going out yummm. <3 We went to TGIF'S yay. The food was great, the atmosphere was awesome. ♥ This lady actually approached our table, asking about my hair. I'm still getting used to it, but I'm liking it little by little everyday.

She asked about my chunk of platinum highlights in my hair (fringe) She's been trying to get someone to do her hair for her, but it never comes out right. hence the darker the hair, the harder it is to get it lighter. but she said it looked professionally done. whoa. Big compliment right there. lol for me and my brother!

She complimented our hairs. lol <333 My brother and I did our own hair, I did his, he did mine. but the last process for my hair was damaged. TT____TT I didn't recieve any help. but a fresh cut, equals healthier hair! anyways. The bill came out to $89.98 whoooa! bank-breaker lol. but it was worth it. My Mom and I went half/half :D We ended the night with DQ Ice Cream, and Gamestop. My Mom bought two games + One remote for the Wii Console she recieved for Mother's Day ♥ I bought another remote as well. YAY! now We have 3 remotes ^_______^

I bought a CAR! yayyyy.
Will post photos later <3 It needs work, but it was worth it! My parents and I went half/half once again. I'm excited. I get to call this car my own <3 Later that day,
I decided to explore CVS Pharmacy with my cousin Destini. I bought some new makeup!

Milani-#11 Beach Sand
Milani-#03 Bronze Doll
Milani-#07 Leaf Green
Loreal HIP-Color Truth Cream Eyeliner
Loreal-De-Crease Eyeshadow Primer

P.S. They're all worth buying. but I noticed a huge difference in pricing.
I would buy these products at a Walmart, Target, etc. not drugstores. In drugstores they tend to price them a little higher than the other stores. <3

I went to the mall, to show my cousin The MAC stand inside Dillard's. She Liked it. but the girl who worked there wasn't all too friendly -=/ booooo to that.
I purchased:


BEAUTIFUL colors, I love them.

p.s. I hope everyone had a lovely weekend, and this post is dedicated to Ms. Jane ♥

p.s.s I saw a naked man! remember to close your blinds at night ^______^


jane. said...

busy weekend, toots! i love milani - the color payoff is really nice. i was just talking about how comparable it is to make. i love love love their colors.

...and why does mac reps get the bad reputation for being bitches? lol sad ! everyone i know who visits the mac counter complain about the employees lol.