Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I love, love, love,love Halloween! it's one of my favorite holidays, hands down.
last night, I decided to do a Halloween tutorial. and lately I've been painting.
my recent painting is of mermaids and the underworld :) will post when I am done.
anywhoos-so I decided to do a Mermaid look. I hope you enjoy! and if you would like,
please subscribe to my channel :) I do reviews/beauty tutorials. and oh yes! I must warn
you about the volume of my voice. it was a bit low, I apologize. I was the only one awake at that
time. hehe :p Hope you enjoy!

I even did my nails for this look! I wish I had a camera that had focus D: but that will be fixed soon! I'm currently saving up a for a new camera :))
♥Momo Monroe